
script for building bash aliases for applications on MacOS

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macaliaser - script to create aliases for applications on OSX / MacOS



# Generate aliases in /Applications directory
$ macaliaser -i /Applications

# Generate aliases in /Applications directory and Applications directory in users home directory
$ macaliaser -i /Applications $HOME/Applications

# help message
$ macaliaser -h

# Serialize the generated aliases to a file in you home directory
$ macaliaser -i /Applications > ~/.aliases


This script create aliases from all the applications in the directories you scan.

The recommended usage is to put the aliases in a separate file and use the from you preferred shell.

I have the following line in my .bash_profile

source "$HOME/.aliases"

So the script can proces the file with out conflicting with other bash settings, apart from the .bash_profile change, I have added the following line to my crontab

0 12 * * 1 $HOME/bin/macaliaser -i /Applications/ \
$HOME/Applications/ > $HOME/.aliases

Do note that cron is not necessarily running under the same shell as the user so in order to get a proper path set for useful alias suggestions, you might have to tweak the environment and emulate a user shell session, like so:

0 12 * * 1 . $HOME/.bash_profile; $HOME/bin/macaliaser -i /Applications/ \
$HOME/Applications/ > $HOME/.aliases

This sources the shell (bash in this case) resource file prior to execution. See Stack Overflow

Black Listing

You can enable black listing of applications by adding a file named: blacklist to $HOME/.config/macaliaser/blacklist like this example:

/Users/jonasbn/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized/Default \

Do note that the spaces are not escaped.




This checks whether a file has a name in the format:


Do note that names can contain spaces and this is handled.

If this is true it processes the entry further SEE suggest.


suggest suggest different aliases for your applications, each suggestion is tested for existance by is_cmd, which relies on File::Which, so we do not overrule any existing commands (like mail).

The tries are done in the following order:

  1. lowercase, name without .app extension, example: imovie
  2. lowercase, name with .app extension, example: mailapp
  3. uppercased first letter with .app extension
  4. the original name


cmd_exists check whether there already is a command with the suggested alias in path.

This uses File::Which’s which subroutine, which works like the shell command <which>


create_alias is used to create the actual alias, based on the suggestions from suggest.

Alias are actually just strings in the form of:

alias somealias="open -a /some/path/to/an/app"





If you want to contribute to macaliaser please read the Contribution guidelines and follow the pull request guidelines.


macaliaser is (C) 2004-2018 Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn)


macaliaser is free software and is released under the Artistic License 2.0.