
Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager

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Enable or Disable IPv6 in UFW Firewall

You have to edit: /etc/default/ufw and set IPV6=yes or IPV6=no. The first to enable IPv6, the latter to disable it.

Changing the value with a running instance, will require that you disable and re-enable.

sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw enable

Inspect the status and settings.

Check the current status:

sudo ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
New profiles: skip

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
22/tcp                     ALLOW IN    Anywhere
22/tcp (v6)                ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)

Resources and References