
Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager

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Output Formats

You can set the format output mode of the SQLite CLI client:

   MODE is one of:
     ascii       Columns/rows delimited by 0x1F and 0x1E
     box         Tables using unicode box-drawing characters
     csv         Comma-separated values
     column      Output in columns.  (See .width)
     html        HTML <table> code
     insert      SQL insert statements for TABLE
     json        Results in a JSON array
     line        One value per line
     list        Values delimited by "|"
     markdown    Markdown table format
     qbox        Shorthand for "box --width 60 --quote"
     quote       Escape answers as for SQL
     table       ASCII-art table
     tabs        Tab-separated values
     tcl         TCL list elements

I currently prefer.

  • .mode box

And if you want your choice to be the default do check my TIL: “Use a Configuration File”

Resources and References