
Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager

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Testing Using Bats

Bats is intended for testing shell scripts. It is simple to use and has a lot of features. In this post.

I have found out that Bats is a great tool for testing other types of executables as well, such as:

  • Go CLI applications
  • Perl scripts

I found this nice tutorial on how to get started with Bats:

This is the vary basic use I am currently working with for testing a Perl script.

My normal Perl unit-tests are located in the t/ directory. In addition I have created a directory named test/ which contains the Bats test scripts.

In that directory I have a file named test.bats, with the following contents (the names have been simplified for readability):

@test "can run our script with --help option" {
    carton exec -- ./script/perl-script.pl --help

@test "can run our script without options" {
    carton exec -- ./script/perl-script.pl

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