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Configure Automatic Restart

Yesterday I experienced downtime on my NginX setup. I did a write up of the trouble shooting process, but one of the things I learned, which was also was actionable was configuring systemd to automatically restart my NginX in case of an incident like this.

The configuration file:

  • /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service

Can under the [Service] section have the following added:


RestartSec defaults to: 100ms. Has to be configured with: Restart

I have no idea on how to test this at this time and I am still researching the root cause of the incident, but this was ready a nice extension to my configuration, which is just the default, since everything else is done it the site configuration for NginX.

Options for restart are:

  • no
  • always
  • on-success
  • on-failure
  • on-abnormal
  • on-abort
  • on-watchdog

The follow matrix lifted from systemd service man-page

Exit causes/Restart settings no always on-success on-failure on-abnormal on-abort on-watchdog
Clean exit code or signal   X X        
Unclean exit code   X   X      
Unclean signal   X   X X X  
Timeout   X   X X    
Watchdog   X   X X   X

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