
Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager

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Use fd

fd is a fast alternative to find. Having used find for some time, it takes a little getting used to.

Here are some of the useful components:

{}: A placeholder token that will be replaced with the path of the search result (documents/images/party.jpg).
{.}: Like {}, but without the file extension (documents/images/party).
{/}: A placeholder that will be replaced by the basename of the search result (party.jpg).
{//}: The parent of the discovered path (documents/images).
{/.}: The basename, with the extension removed (party).

One of the many uses I have for find is executing commands for a lot of directories, very often GitHub repositories.

fd '\.git$' --prune -u -t d -x zsh -c 'echo {//} && cd {//} && git status'

Executing a command on all files:

fd swagger-v2.json -x zsh -c "openapi-spec-validator {}"

Finding a large JSON file

fd -e json -x zsh -c 'stat -f "%z %N" {}' |awk '$1 > 10000000 {print $2}'

Resources and References