Install DateTime::Astro
I am using DateTime::Astro for Date::Holidays::CN via DateTime::Calendar::Chinese which again uses DateTime::Event::Chinese, which is included in Task::Date::Holidays, which is a development helper distribution for Date::Holidays.
The DateTime::Astro distribution requires:
- GMP a free C library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers
- MPFR a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding
Both can be installed via Homebrew
brew install gmp
brew install mpfr
In addition I need to set the following two environment variables, which DateTime::Astro is looking for: $MPFR_HOME
These can be set like this:
export MPFR_HOME="/opt/homebrew/opt/mpfr"
export GMP_HOME="/opt/homebrew/opt/gmp"
When this is in place I can do:
perl Build.PL && ./Build && ./Build test && ./Build install
And I am good to go.
Now I just need to be able to redo this my toolchain, like GitHub Actions etc.